Eligibility | Divisions | Materials | Display Guidelines | Judging | Awards | Silent Auction | Rules of Decency
By submitting a model entry for competition at CAPCON 2025, an Entrant implicitly agrees to abide by all CAPCON 2025 rules and guidelines described here.
CAPCON 2025 is a contest for plastic-based scale models, and is open to everyone; membership in an IPMS chapter or other national body is not required to enter a model into competition.
All entries must be the sole work of the person whose name is on the corresponding Entry Form. The Entrant's full and proper name must appear on each corresponding Entry Form and Entrant Information Sheet. Entries with fake and/or inappropriate names may be removed from competition, and may not be judged and/or awarded prizes.
A non-Junior entrant (over 16 years of age) must be present to enter their own model into competition; no-one else may enter a model on their behalf. However, in regards to Junior entrants (16 years of age or younger on the date of the event), a parent/guardian may enter a model into a Junior Division category on behalf of their own child who built the model, if that child is unable to attend the event.
CAPCON reserves the right to limit the number of entries per Entrant.
An entry must be entered in the proper category or it may not be judged. If advice is needed for selecting the appropriate category, Entrants should check with contest Registrars, Head Judge, or Section Judges.
Each entry may be entered in only one (1) category and the entry shall be eligible for all applicable special/theme awards. (For example, an aircraft model can be entered in one aircraft category, but it will not be considered to be part of a separate Collection, Triathlon, Diorama/Vignette entry.)
Bases will be allowed in all categories, however, bases will not be considered in the judging except in the Dioramas & Vignettes division. To maintain judging impartiality, bases must not contain labels that clearly identify the builder.
Models that are not eligible for competition in CAPCON 2025:
- Entries have placed or won prizes/awards in any previous CAPCON events
- Incomplete or partially-completed models
- Commercially built or commercially pre-finished models that do not require significant additional work by the modeller (for example, Tamiya Masterwork models)
- Re-finished models (for example, refinished die-cast metal models)
- Models with major, pre-finished components created by someone other than the Entrant (for example, a professionally-painted car body)
- Models that are made primarily of alternate, non-plastic materials (for example, wood, paper, fabric, metal, etc.). The sole exception is metal figures entered into the Figures division.
- Models that are reasonably considered to be inappropriate or offensive by generally-acknowledged standards of taste, acceptability, and decency
Persons planning to submit oversized entries or dioramas requiring AC power must notify the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee at least two (2) months prior to the event, as we require time to pre-plan to accommodate for such entries. Failure to provide advance notification for such entries may result in those entries being placed apart from the general display area and/or not having adequate special support. Only dioramas are eligible for consideration when requesting AC power; standalone model entries in non-diorama categories will not be considered for receiving AC power.
Persons planning to submit a large number of entries in a single category – which could reasonably be considered to overwhelm table space availability for the category – must notify the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee at least one (1) month prior to the event.
Exhibitors must leave their entries in the Model Room until at least the start of the Awards Ceremony (approx. 5:00PM) to ensure that all judging has been successfully completed.
Entry Forms MUST be left in the Model Room, for our record keeping purposes.
Anyone involved in the planning and/or running of CAPCON 2025 — including but not limited to members of IPMS Ottawa, the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee, contest judges, or other such persons — assumes no responsibility or liability for any losses, injuries, or damages to entries or other items brought to the event.
"Standard" divisions comprise the majority of categories, and are open to entrants of any age and experience.
The Junior Division is open to entrants 16 years of age or younger on the day of the event. Note that Junior entrants may opt to enter either Junior -or- non-Junior categories, but not both.
Newcomer Division (B-xx) *NEW*
The new Newcomer Division has been created for people (regardless of age) who are entering a model into competition for the first time. Someone who qualifies as a Newcomer may choose to enter into Newcomer -or- non-Newcomer categories (standard, Junior), but not both. The model must be built 'out of the box.'
Entry Eligibility
Any commercially-available scale plastic model kit. The kit instruction sheet(s) must be displayed with the entry.
You may use the kit decals or aftermarket decals.
You must build the kit exactly as described in the kit instructions. The kit instruction sheet(s) must be displayed with the entry.
- Filling seams and gaps
- Sanding off rivets, panel lines, and/or other surface detail
- Re-scribing panel lines removed during assembly
- Drilling out guns and exhausts
- Thinning down trailing edges, flaps, fenders, hatch covers, and doors
- If depicted in kit instructions, you may apply seatbelts, rigging, hoses/piping, masts, or antennas
- Cutting or separating canopies, control surfaces, hatches, or doors
- Adding commercially-available items not included in the kit
A model entered into competition at CAPCON 2025 should be plastic-based, although the use of photoetch, metal, and/or resin parts, etc. is allowed as those items are widely accepted as a part of modern building methods.
Models made primarily of alternate, non-plastic materials — for example, wood, paper, fabric, metal, etc. — are not eligible for competition at CAPCON 2025. The sole exception is metal figures entered into the Figures division.
- Models with 3D-printed components may be entered into any category.
- A model that has 2 or more separate 3D-printed component parts which are combined together may be entered in standard categories; such a model is considered to be equivalent to a cast-resin model. A figure which is a single 3D-printed item may be entered into the Figures division.
- Scratchbuilt categories:
Fully 3D-printed models may be entered into Scratchbuilt categories only if the entire 3D-printed model was completely and solely designed, printed, and assembled by the Entrant.
3D models whose files are created by other persons - or are downloaded from public sites (for example, Shapeways, Thingiverse, etc.) and then have their designs tweaked - are not eligible for entry into Scratchbuilt categories.
Display Guidelines
Individual category areas will be marked on tables with signage. Entries must be placed into their correct category areas to be considered for judging. Each Entry Form must be placed adjacent to its corresponding entry, not beneath it, to allow the judges to view or take the Entry Form without touching the model.
Each separately-entered figure must be placed into its own separate, corresponding category area.
Figures of different categories may not be combined into a single display (for example, a multi-level display).
A single, separate Entry Form must accompany each figure and be placed adjacent to the figure (not beneath it).
Multiple Entry Forms must not be combined together.
Entries may be covered by cases while on general display, but Entrants must remove cases covering their entries prior to judging. For more information, see Judging.
Guideline Adherence
Failure to adhere to the display guidelines may result in entries not being judged.
Entries will be judged primarily on construction, fit, and finish:
- First criteria are basic construction and fit; visible seams, sanding marks, and/or misaligned components.
- Next criteria are finish, paint, and markings. Judges will be looking for smooth finishes and properly applied decals (if any).
- Additional detailing and scope of effort will be considered, but only to choose between two equally well-built entries.
- Accuracy of an entry is important, but accuracy cannot be checked during the competition; unless an entry is very obviously inaccurate in markings or construction, it will be assumed to be accurate.
- In summary, a well-built entry with fewer additional parts or detailing will score higher than a poorly-built entry that may have taken a longer time or more effort to complete.
Judging Style
Other than the Junior division, all divisions will be judged using "1st – 2nd – 3rd place" judging style. Judges may note ‘honourable mention’ entries, at their discretion.
All entries in the Junior division will be judged using "open" judging style (Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards).
Removal of Cases
Prior to judging, an Entrant must remove all cases covering their entries so that the judges have clear, unobstructed views. Failure to remove a case covering an entry may result in that entry not being judged.
Category Splits
CAPCON 2025 reserves the right to create or split categories on or before the date of the event.
Judge Eligibility
- All participants may volunteer to be judges, except for anyone who is actively vending at the event.
- All judges must attend the Head Judge's briefing.
- Head Judge and Section Judges are responsible for assembling the judging teams.
- A judge may not judge a category in which he/she has an entry or if he/she has intimate knowledge of a model entered into the category.
- Strict impartiality in judging must be observed; violators will be removed from the judging process.
Reasons Why an Entry May NOT be Judged
An entry may not be judged for any of the reasons listed below, subject to the discretion of CAPCON 2025 and/or event judges. (There may be reasons other than those listed below.)
- The entry is in the incorrect category.
- The entry is considered to be inappropriate or offensive to generally acknowledged standards of taste and acceptability. For more information, see the “Rules of Decency” section.
- Failure to adhere to the display guidelines, particularly for Figures.
- Failure to remove cases covering entries prior to judging.
- Entry clearly and openly displays the identity of the builder.
- An entry will not be considered for Theme Awards or Special Awards if those awards are not explicitly selected on the associated Entry Form.
- If anyone interferes with the judging process or attempts to sway the outcome of judging in any manner.
- The Entry Form is found to contain improper or inappropriate information, such as misrepresenting the proper name of the Entrant or the true builder of the entry.
Category sweeps are allowed.
It is the responsibility of the Entrant to indicate on the Entry Form, which Theme Awards and/or Special Awards the entry should be considered for. If awards are not selected on the Entry Form, the entry will not be considered for those awards.
Each entry will automatically be considered for appropriate and corresponding "Best of" special awards. (For example, all aircraft category winners will be considered for the "Best Aircraft" special award.)
For a theme award of a particular genre (for example, aircraft theme), standalone entries as well as diorama/vignette entries will be considered if they meet the criteria set for the theme. Standalone entries in regular adult, Junior, and Newcomer categories will be considered.
Entrants are responsible to claim all prizes/awards won by their entries. If an Entrant knows that s/he must depart the event before the Awards Ceremony, the Entrant is responsible for informing members of the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee beforehand, and also arranging to have someone accept prizes/award on their behalf. If a suitable person cannot be found to accept prizes/awards, the departing Entrant is responsible to make arrangements with the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee (prior to their departure) to have the awards delivered (at the Entrant's expense).
Entrants are responsible to claim all of their model entries by the end of the event. The event organizers are not responsible for any items or entries left behind by entrants. If any entries are left behind at the event, the Entrants of the left entries are responsible to contact the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee to inquire about the left entries. If any left entries are picked up by the CAPCON 2025 Steering Committee, those persons DO NOT assume any responsibility for the safe transport or storage of the left entries, nor do they assume any responsibility for any damage to the left entries while in their possession. The Entrant who left the entry is responsible for arranging the return of the entry to them; if any costs are incurred in the return of a left entry, the Entrant is responsible for paying for those costs.
CAPCON 2025 does not permit private groups or individuals to issue non-CAPCON awards to any entries at CAPCON 2025, nor allow winners to be decided outside of the official CAPCON 2025 judging process. This is to ensure unbiased transparency in the judging process.
Silent Auction
Persons who win Silent Auction items must pay for & collect their won items in person.
Payment for items won in the Silent Auction must be made in cash only. No other forms of payment (cheque, credit card, debit card, etc.) will be accepted.
A person who makes a winning bid on a Silent Auction item is responsible to pay the entire full amount of the winning bid.
Failure to fully pay a winning bid will result in the person forfeiting their won item. If a person has winning bids on multiple items, failure to pay the full total amount of all winning bids will result in the person forfeiting all won items.
Silent Auction items that are unclaimed — by non-payment by the winner, or other circumstance — will not be awarded/offered to the 2nd highest bidder, nor any other bidders.
Rules of Decency
The CAPCON 2025 Head Judge(s) or other organizers may exclude and/or remove from competition or display any entry that is reasonably considered to be inappropriate or offensive by generally-acknowledged standards of taste, acceptability, and decency. The contents of an entry's associated Entry Form may also be considered in such a decision.
Entries that violate these Rules of Decency will not be eligible for prizes or awards, and the Entrant will not be eligible to receive any refund (full or partial) of their entry fee.