IPMS Ottawa/Farnborough Updates

January 29, 2007

Quite a lot has happened on the twinning front over the past month or so. E-mails have passed between members of both clubs, Christmas and New Years' greetings abounded, and we have several updates on happenings in Farnborough. Their website now shows competition results from January, with Nick Aronica winning with a CF-18 Hornet he built using decals presented to club members in November. Excellent work, Nick! IPMS Ottawa members are encouraged to visit the Farnborough website to see this and other photos of recent work. I'll be sponsoring a new trophy for CAPCON in September, 2007 and for future CAPCONs. The intent is to have a trophy that marks the twinning of our two clubs. The theme will change from year to year, but it will always have a distinctive Canada/England flavour. This year, as CAPCON falls on September 15th, the theme will be (no surprise!) "The Battle of Britain." With a Canadian Hurricane squadron in the Battle, as well as numerous Canadian pilots in RAF service, this theme is an obvious choice. In essence, any model from any category that has a direct link to the BoB can be considered for the trophy. More information will be available as the CAPCON Committee works toward the competition date. That's all for now. More updates soon!